Yu Wing Yan 余穎欣 (Hong Kong 香港)

W / yuwingyan.com

Yu concerns interrelation between arts, creators and those receivers. She believes the undiscoverable sensation and intelligence could be portrayed in art. 

With experiences of documenting the creative process of various HK makers, she is recently interested in the experimentality of videography, computer software and sound. She is also keen on expanding the potential of drawing and animation as medium of storytelling. Her works have been shown in Hong Kong, Denmark and London, including HK Museum of Art (2019), Dynamo (2018), SPLICE (2018), The Fringe Club (2017), Cattle Depot Artists Village (2017), JCCAC (2017), RTHK (2016), etc.

Yu received her Bachelor of Arts (Visual Studies) from Lingnan University in 2011, and her Master of Fine Art (Creative Media) from School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong in 2019. She is now a programme coordinator and tutor of Creative Arts courses offered by HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity. 


她專注於探索錄像及各種電腦程式在視覺呈現上的可能性。早期的錄像創作,主要記錄香港各種職人(包括農夫、琴匠、單車製作者等)的創作過程。近期,她開始思考錄像的重要作用之一——展現人類的慾望和想像,並由此漸漸發展出一種富詩意及質感的流動影像,曾於銀幕並配上聲音,以裝置形式呈現。她亦執迷於以各種繪圖,甚或把它們演變成動畫,為觀者展現多種觀感。她的作品曾於香港、丹麥、英國等地展出,包括香港藝術館(2019) 、Dynamo(2018)、SPLICE Audio Visual Performing Arts Festival(2018)、藝穗會(2017)、牛棚藝術村(2017)、賽馬會創意藝術中心(2017)、香港電台(2016)等等。
